Comedy Appeteasers

Jeff Altman & Jeff DeHart on TV's "Weeknight" Show #136

Scott Edwards Season 4 Episode 136

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On this audio version of "Weeknight" TV Show, comic actor Jeff Altman shares some show business info, and then Comic/impressionist Jeff DeHart shares a few impressions. All part of the Opening Night of my Laughs Unlimited new location...and Aprils Fools day!
Our good Friends Harry Martin and Betty Vasquez were the show's anchors...very fun!
The grand opening of a new comedy club in Sacramento, located in Firehouse Alley, was an exciting event that brought together well-known comedians Jeff Altman and Jeff DeHart. Jeff Altman, celebrated for his role as Huey Hogg on "The Dukes of Hazzard," headlined the event and shared his enthusiasm about the club's potential to foster new comedic talent during an interview with TV anchors. Meanwhile, Jeff DeHart, renowned for his impressive impressions, dazzled the audience as a featured act, contributing to the lively atmosphere that the TV anchors predicted would make the club a popular spot in Sacramento. The positive response from the audience and the anticipation for upcoming shows underscored the vibrant and promising future of the local comedy scene.

(00:01:08) Firehouse Alley Welcomes Top Comedians in Sacramento

(00:01:43) Impressions and Comedy in TV Hosting

(00:02:58) Big-Hat Foolish Twin: Huey Hogg's Comedy

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Hosted by: R. Scott Edwards
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Stand up comedy. Your host in MC presents comedy Appeteasers, a podcast where you will find short comedy sets, stories, and funny bits from the famous and not so famous. Here is your host and MC, Scott Edwards. Hi, and welcome to this week's bonus show. Hey, we have something fun for you. First is a 1982 tv magazine show, weeknight, hosted by Betty Vasquez and Harry Martin. And in the beginning, you'll hear him talking about my new room. It was when I moved into the firehouse location, which was, I think, the best comedy club ever designed. And again, this was in 82 when I moved out of the Delta Queen restaurant and into my own space. And in the first part, they interviewed Jeff Altman. He happened to be the headliner that week, and he was on the Dukes of Hazzard tv show at the time. And then right after that, there's a short interview and some comedy impressions by another great comic, Jeff Dehart. What a crowd. What a crowd. Isn't this marvelous? If this is any indication, Harry, this is going to be the spot in Sacramento. That's right. Betty and I are first nighters. This is the brand new lapse unlimited used to be right down the street. This is the grand opening, their first official night for business. They were just around the corner just a couple of days ago, and now they're right next door to the, what's. The name of that place? That's right. The firehouse restaurant right across from the back door. Firehouse Alley, right next to the Clarendon Hotel. I think I did that pretty good job to be able to find it. It's now got a lot of space in it. And of course, they always have these great new comedians that seem to be coming out every day, and they show up on the Tonight show and things like that. Jeff Altman is going to be joining us tonight live. And we have another impressionist. That's right. A guy also named Jeff. And they also named Jeff. And we got magician, all kinds of things. Mud first. Okay. But first, see, that's the normal thing we always say on this show. That means be quiet, Betty, it's my turn to talk. We're just chuckling here with Jeff Altman. You know that little bumper slide that came up said, remember this, man? Remember that series the Pink lady? And Jeff came out. I've forgotten it completely. It's just what series? People say, what series? I say, what series? It was on for how long, Jeff? It was on for about 15 minutes. Is that how long? It was on for five weeks on NBC. And there were two japanese girls, of course, who could not speak English. But this was the brainchild of Fred Silverman. Weren't they big stars in Japan? Tremendous. They sold $100 million worth of records in Japan. And then Freddie Silverman had the idea to put two singing stars, japanese singers, descent, with an american comic. They're now back in Japan doing this. What? Freddie Silverman. Silver. Silverman. Silverman. No letters, folks. How did Fred decide on you to be the comedian for that show, by the way? Where'd you see, I was under contract. NBC at the time. I had done some light janitorial work over there in Burbank, and then they spotted this guy, and I'm being funny, and they said, give him a show. But a lot of people remember you now because of your role in the dukes of Hazzard, right? That's right. I play a recurring character on that show called Huey Hogg. Any relation to boss Hog? Exactly. His identical twin nephew. And they quit padding on me, and I wear a big hat and I talk stupid. The kids know what I'm talking about. It's also the show where there are a lot of cars bumping into one another and tipping over. A big macho kind of role. Are you part of all of that on Duke's hazard? Mm hmm. No, I'm not macho at all, as a matter of fact. I'm just. It's about a step away from total of femininity. No, I'm just big and dumb. Understanding of a possible series coming up for yourself? Yeah, I think lady. No, no, that's pretty funny, Harry. Okay. I did a pilot for Aaron spelling. He does the love boat, and he's got about five shows on the air, and he's exclusive to ABC. So I'm hoping that ABC will make a positive decision the end of April. And I'll be back on the air. A little bit of love on the tugboat. A little bit of love on the tugboat. Mama. Hey. Hey. Is this your first time you've ever appeared in Sacramento? This is the first time I've ever been to Sacramento, and I'm amazed. This is. It's like a small eastern Connecticut town from back east. It's just beautiful. And it's so wet. Delightful weather. I play tennis all day. Sure. And do some great impressions. I remember those great impressions used to do now and then. Don't do them now because you're saving them for your act, aren't you? Right. Of course. As a matter of fact, this is a state capitol, you know, and I start feeling as you know, like I'm a Republican or a Democrat or something, and there's no joke here. Help me, Harry. I'm not gonna do any impression. Are you in luck? We're getting the wind up. Anyway, I know you're getting ready to go on. Yeah, he's gotta check over his ad libs anyway. Thank you very much. Jeff Altman. Great club. Come down and see us. You're here at Laughs Unlimited for how long? Through Sunday. Through Sunday, right. Stand by and see him more weeknight in just a moment. Well, there's another headliner here at Laughs Unlimited this week, Jeff Dehart. I'm sure you might recognize him from doing Rod Serling in what, the bogle commercial? Yeah, it's a game called Bogle, Parker Brothers game, where people on a bus. Let's have a little rod. Yeah, little rod. You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mine. Welcome to Lance Unlimited. The quickie there, and you do some unusual. Why don't you say David Brenner? Yeah, David Brenner. David's a good friend of mine. Hoya. How you doing? You want to hear something weird? You're gonna come over to last unlimited. It's a great show. Got Jeff Waltman here this week. Bruce Muranov, Jeff the heart. What a show. Terrific. I might even drop by. Terrific. How about who's your favorite? Who do you especially like? David Brenner and Johnny Carson. Johnny's. Come on, you gotta get. Are you ready? You ready for this baking? Jeff Oldman also does a great Johnny Carson, but we might do dueling Carson. You're great. Terrific. That's Jeff Dehart. He's gonna be here through Sunday, along with Jeff Alton and a bunch of other people right now. Our show is over. Really appreciate you coming by. Jeff DeHart was a terrific comic. He was the featured act that week, but he was soon headlining for me. He did some great comedy and a lot of terrific impressions, as you heard in that interview. Celebrating the opening of my new room in Firehouse Alley was a big deal for me, so I'm glad I was able to share that with you. Thanks for listening to this week's episode of comedy Appeteasers. Be sure to share with family and friends, and we will see you this Sunday for our regular podcast, your host and MC, and again next Friday for another episode of comedy Appetizers. Bye.